Old Sneezewood frnce-pole with wire. (Sneezewood is extremely hard and durable and highly valued as a timber for fence posts and buildings. In the past, it was also used extensively for railway sleepers. Little furniture was ever made of it, but with some effort and preparation beautiful pieces can be made and these are prized today. Highly irritant, aromatic peppery oils, containing nieshoutol are produced by the wood, causing violent sneezing by woodworkers after sawing or sanding. When used a

Size: 3800px × 5475px 32.2cm × 46.4cm - 300dpi
Location: Norwood Farm. Adelaide. Eastern Cape., South Africa
Photo credit: © Obie Oberholzer / AfriPics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: eastern cape, farm, fence poles, norwood farm, post, sneezewood, south africa