. .ALl--t «. I-ITTLK OKM. AiKBATCM, C0P«'5 Prr. Ajcrostemma, mixed (^we/"^'"^'") ⢠AlyS5Uin man^mwn {Sweet Alyssum) lb. Tom Thumb, ilwarf, compact, lb. ? UlUeGem, " inUe Carpel," very dwarf, lb. ^k:\\\\i 'nin^c\\nn, yellow perennial . . Amaranthus caudatus { Lave-lies-blmlin^) . salicifolius (Fountain Plant) tricolor \ Joseph's Coat) .... â¢â¢ >.plendens Ammobium alatum grandiflorum. Everlasting Vcitchii {Boston or Japanese Ivy) I!'. $1-50 Anemone coronaria, mixed fulgens Japonica all>a ( The Bride) I " " gig*°'^* Tr. pkt

. .ALl--t «. I-ITTLK OKM. AiKBATCM, C0P«'5 Prr. Ajcrostemma, mixed (^we/"^'"^'") ⢠AlyS5Uin man^mwn {Sweet Alyssum) lb. Tom Thumb, ilwarf, compact, lb. ? UlUeGem, " inUe Carpel," very dwarf, lb. ^k:\\\\i 'nin^c\\nn, yellow perennial . . Amaranthus caudatus { Lave-lies-blmlin^) . salicifolius (Fountain Plant) tricolor \ Joseph's Coat) .... â¢â¢ >.plendens Ammobium alatum grandiflorum. Everlasting Vcitchii {Boston or Japanese Ivy) I!'. $1-50 Anemone coronaria, mixed fulgens Japonica all>a ( The Bride) I " " gig*°'^* Tr. pkt. 10 10 10 10 '5 10 15 25 25 25 Antirrhinum , , ,x/ni /!»,â strain iMrelly, /"/i,'/// red {^)ucen of the North, whil. Niobe, li'hite and crimson . Nanum picturatum, striped Tom Thumb, yethnv :i (f/Wr/,7; .S>«/-m/) . chrysantha alba crt'rulea . glandulosa sin(;le mixed double mixed Arabis alpina, while springJlower Aralia Si5 50 10 25 15 50 15 20 40 60 20 60 20 60 25 I 00 25 I 25 25 I 25 25 I 00 10 '5 10 â¢5 â 5 50 Do T^T^Iook the fcllowinrtofferetJ on this page-Ageratums, Al,8$um», 07,. «5 IS 20 25 20 ID 30 >5 35 15 IS 40 2 50 2 50 Antirrhinums, 25

Size: 2252px × 2218px
Photo credit: © The Bookworm Collection / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: ., bookauthorhenryggilbertnurserya, bookcentury1900, bookdecade1900