Dreer's wholesale price list Dreer's wholesale price list : summer edition July to August 1901 plants bulbs seasonable flower and vegetable seeds, fertilizers, tools, etc., etc . dreerswholesalep1901henr Year: 1901 BELLIS PERRENNISâDOUBLE SNOWBALL. Achillea ptarmica, double white, hardy .... Aconitum napellus (3/onhshood) Alyssum maritimum [Sweet Afyssum) lb. $ Tom Thumb, dwarf, compact, lb. ^ . . Little Gem, 'â ^White Carpet,^'' very dwarf, saxatile compactum, yellow perennial . . . Ampelopsis Veitchii [Boston or Japanese Ivy) lb. $ Anemone coronaria, mixed fulgens, single scarl

Dreer's wholesale price list Dreer's wholesale price list : summer edition July to August 1901 plants bulbs seasonable flower and vegetable seeds, fertilizers, tools, etc., etc . dreerswholesalep1901henr Year: 1901 BELLIS PERRENNISâDOUBLE SNOWBALL. Achillea ptarmica, double white, hardy .... Aconitum napellus (3/onhshood) Alyssum maritimum [Sweet Afyssum) lb. $ Tom Thumb, dwarf, compact, lb. ^ . . Little Gem, 'â ^White Carpet,^'' very dwarf, saxatile compactum, yellow perennial . . . Ampelopsis Veitchii [Boston or Japanese Ivy) lb. $ Anemone coronaria, mixed fulgens, single scarlet Japonica alba [The Bride) ' ' gigantea Antirrhinum majus, mixed, extra fine strain . Firefly, bright red Queen of the North, white Niobe, white and crimson Nanrun picturatum, striped Tom Thumb, yellow ' ' 7nixed Giant, white ' scarlet ' yellow Aquilegia chrysantha (Golden Spurred') . . . chrysantha alba ' double (new-) coerulea glandulosa single mixed double mixed Arabis alpina, white spring flower Aralia Sieboldii (new crop), 50c. per 1000 seeds Armeria formosa [Sea Pink or Thrift) rr. pkt. $0 25 S3 00 20 60 10 15 10 20 10 25 10 20 10 IS 15 40 25 2 50 25 2 50 25 10 20 10 2S 15 SO IS 50 10 25 IS 50 15 40 20 60 20 60 20 60 2S I 00 2S I 25 17 25 I 25 25 I 00 10 15 10 IS 15 SO s. 10 10 2S so J OO- 10 20 40 2 00 40 2 00 SO 2 50 50 2 50 SO 2 SO 10 30 50 CALCEOLARL\ HVBRIDA TIGRLXA. Asparagus Sprengeri, 60c. per 100 seeds; $ per icoo seeds. Plimaosus nanus, ' ' Tr. pkt. Oz. Aster, perennial mixed So 25 Si 00 Auricula, choice mixed Baptisia, australis [False Indigo) Bellis perennis [Double Daisy) choicest mixed Double Daisy, choicest white ' ' Snowball ' ' Longfellow, rose ' ' Giant [) . , , Bocconia japonica Browallia speciosa major 5-2 Tr. Tr. Pkt. Pkt. Calceolaria hyb. grandiflora, self colors . . . So 60 $i 00 hyb. grandiflora tigrina, spotted varieties . . 60 i 00 ' ' pumila dwarf. . 60 i 00 Tr. pkt. Oz. Campanula carpatica mixed So 15 So 25 p}T

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