23. Psalm 120: Refuge to the mountains, a person hunted by wild animals takes refuge in the holy mountains, top left the Mount of Olives, right the Sermon on the Mount, in the middle Calvary, 30-part series: drafts for the publication 'The Psalter ', Josef von Führich, Kratzau 1800 - 1876 Vienna, drawing, pencil, according to Cahier: Passepartout: 20 x 14 cm ', detailed caption, '23, Austria

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Photo credit: © Penta Springs / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: -, ., 23, 120, 1800, 1876, 30-part, animals, austria, cahier, calvary, detailed, drafts, drawing, holy, hunted, josef, kratzau, left, middle, mount, mountains, olives, passepartout, pencil, person, psalm, psalter, publication, refuge, series, sermon, takes, top, vienna, von, wild, ührich