. A manual of weeds : with descriptions of all the most pernicious and troublesome plants in the United States and Canada, their habits of growth and distribution, with methods of control . Weeds. 320 OONVOLVULAOEAE (CONVOLVULUS FAMILY). Fig. 222. — Black Swal- low-wort (Cynanchum ni- grum). X i. This plant, like the preceding one, is often called Climbing Milkweed; the milky juices are poisonous. It is an immigrant from Europe, first planted in gardens for its beauty; but the silken-winged seeds made an easy escape and now the weed is a frequent nuisance in ground not under cultivation. (Fig.

. A manual of weeds : with descriptions of all the most pernicious and troublesome plants in the United States and Canada, their habits of growth and distribution, with methods of control . Weeds. 320 OONVOLVULAOEAE (CONVOLVULUS FAMILY). Fig. 222. — Black Swal- low-wort (Cynanchum ni- grum). X i. This plant, like the preceding one, is often called Climbing Milkweed; the milky juices are poisonous. It is an immigrant from Europe, first planted in gardens for its beauty; but the silken-winged seeds made an easy escape and now the weed is a frequent nuisance in ground not under cultivation. (Fig. 222.) Stems twining, slender, three to six feet long, slightly hairy, often brownish red where exposed to the light. Leaves op- posite, long-ovate, thin, dark green, smooth, entire, pointed at tip and rounded at base, with prominent, sometimes reddish, veins and short petioles. Flowers in axillary cymose clusters, small, saucer-shaped, the five spreading lobes somewhat twisted, hairy within, deep purple; peduncles shorter than the leaves. Follicles about two inches long, pointed at both ends, smooth. Seeds flat, brown, tipped with silken floss. Means of control the same as for the preceding species. It is more pernicious, and requires persistent treatment. WILD SWEET POTATO VINE Ipomasa pandur&ta, G. F. W. Mey. Othef English names: Man-of-the-Earth, Meeha-Meok. Native. Perennial. Propagates by seeds. Time of bloom: May to September. Seed-time: Late June to October. Range: Eastern Canada and New England to Michigan and Kansas, southward to Florida and Texas. Habitat: Dry soil; thickets and waste places. The very large fleshy roots of this plant are edible and sweet, and are buried very deep in the ground below the reach of frost;. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original Georgia, Ada Eljiva, 185

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Photo credit: © Central Historic Books / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1900, bookdecade1910, booksubjectweeds, bookyear1919