. Bolgiano's spring 1971. Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. Scarlet Runner Bean A. 873. Phaseolus COCCineus. A rapid-growing vine with sprays of brilliant red flowers like pea blossoms. 1-oz. pkt. 25c. Statice A. 897. Sinuata, Choice Mixed Colors. Cloud-like flowers. May be dried for winter use. Pkt. 25c. Stocks (Gilliflower) a. 754. Trysomic Seven-Weeks, Mixed Colors. An excellent range of colors in this 85% double mixture. Height 1 ft. Earliest garden Stock on the market. Pkt. 50c. 876.

. Bolgiano's spring 1971. Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. Scarlet Runner Bean A. 873. Phaseolus COCCineus. A rapid-growing vine with sprays of brilliant red flowers like pea blossoms. 1-oz. pkt. 25c. Statice A. 897. Sinuata, Choice Mixed Colors. Cloud-like flowers. May be dried for winter use. Pkt. 25c. Stocks (Gilliflower) a. 754. Trysomic Seven-Weeks, Mixed Colors. An excellent range of colors in this 85% double mixture. Height 1 ft. Earliest garden Stock on the market. Pkt. 50c. 876. Dwarf, Double Ten-Weeks, Mixed Colors. Plants 12 inches with flowers of white, yellow, pink and blue. Pkt. 25c. 653. Evening Scented Stock. An old-fashioned annual grown for the entrancing fragrance which it emits during the evening. Lilac flowers. 15 to 18 in. Pkt. 25c. Sweet Peas A., p. Culture. Sow as early in spring as the ground can be worked in rich, well-limed soil with good drainage. Make a trench about a foot wide and deep and fill to about 4 inches from the top with a mixture of soil, rotted stable manure and humus. Firm soil well. Sow seed and cover with about an inch of soil. Cultivate them and gradually fill up the trench to the level of the ground. One ounce will plant a 15-foot row. CUTHBERTSON FLORIBUNDA STRAIN 886. Finest Mixed Colors. A well-balanced blend. Pkt. 25c. EARLY MULTIFLORA TYPE 665. Supreme Mixture. Contains the best color range of the early varieties. Pkt. 25c. BUSH TYPE SWEET PEAS 878A. Knee-Hi, Mixed Colors. Bush type plants needing no sup- port but producing full-length stems and multiple florets. Pkt. 35c. 878. Little Sweetheart, Mixed Colors. A new and entirely dif- ferent class of Sweet Pea. Upright plants, 8 inches high, form a per- fectly rounded bush. Pkt. 35c. LATE SPENCER OR ORCHID-FLOWERING VARIETIES 898. Superb Mixed Spencers. Pkt. 25c. EVERLASTING SWEET PEAS 778. Lathyrus latlfolius. P. Hardy perennial climber growing to 8 feet. Pkt.

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Keywords: ., bookauthorhenryggilbertnurseryandseedtradecata, bookcentury1900