. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. yellow, patella area and tibia-metatarsus joints brown, abdomen ochre-gray, with dark marks dorsally and laterally, ventrally monochromous. Distance PME- PME 220 pm, diameter PME 90 \im, distance PME- ALE 20 fim, distance AME-AME 20 \im, diameter AME 35 |im. Ocular area slightly elevated, triads on additional low elevations. No thoracic furrow; clyp- eus unmodified. Chelicerae as in Fig. 722, unmodi- fied. Sternum wider than long (), unmodified. Palps as in Figs. 719 and 720, coxa unmodified, trochanter with short retrolateral and long ventral

. Bonner zoologische Monographien. Zoology. yellow, patella area and tibia-metatarsus joints brown, abdomen ochre-gray, with dark marks dorsally and laterally, ventrally monochromous. Distance PME- PME 220 pm, diameter PME 90 \im, distance PME- ALE 20 fim, distance AME-AME 20 \im, diameter AME 35 |im. Ocular area slightly elevated, triads on additional low elevations. No thoracic furrow; clyp- eus unmodified. Chelicerae as in Fig. 722, unmodi- fied. Sternum wider than long (), unmodified. Palps as in Figs. 719 and 720, coxa unmodified, trochanter with short retrolateral and long ventral apophysis, femur with proximal hump dorsally, tibia very long, procursus rather simple proximally, with distinctive spine-like apophysis and complex mem- branous structures distally (Figs. 721, 725, 726), bulb without uncus, weakly sclerotized embolus, massive but simple appendix (Fig. 727). Legs without spines and curved hairs, few vertical hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia 1 at 2%; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1, present on other tibiae. Tarsal pseudosegments barely visible in dissect- ing microscope; tarsus 4 with single row of comb- hairs (Fig. 730). Gonopore with four epiandrous spigots (Fig. 728). ALS with eight spigots each (cf female). Variation. Tibia 1 in three other males: , , Lateral extensions of dark mark on carapace more distinct in some specimens. Female. In general similar to male but brown mark on carapace smaller, not extending to ocular area, with dark brown band anteriorly between triads, triads closer together (Fig. 731; distance PME-PME 205 pm). Tibia 1 in 5 females: (mean ). Epigynum simple and weakly sclerotized, with many fine transversal ridges (Fig. 733), internal arc visible through cuticle anteriorly (Fig. 622), with thin 'knob' (Figs. 723, 733); internal genitalia as in Figs. 623, 724, and 734. ALS with eight spigots each (Fig. 732). Distribution. Known from type locality only (Fig. 718). Material exam

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Keywords: ., bookcentury1900, bookcollectionbiodiversity, booksubjectzoology