. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22 [microform]. Scientific expeditions; Expéditions scientifiques. OF THE POMR SEA. 217 Akaitcho, who was here with his family, pointed out to us the smoke of the distant fires which the hunters had made. The pros- pect from the hill is agreeably diversified by an intermixture of hill and valley, and the appearance of twelve lakes in diiferent di- rections. On the borders of these lakes a few thin pine groves occur, but the country in general is destitute of almost every vegetable, except a few berry-bearin

. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22 [microform]. Scientific expeditions; Expéditions scientifiques. OF THE POMR SEA. 217 Akaitcho, who was here with his family, pointed out to us the smoke of the distant fires which the hunters had made. The pros- pect from the hill is agreeably diversified by an intermixture of hill and valley, and the appearance of twelve lakes in diiferent di- rections. On the borders of these lakes a few thin pine groves occur, but the country in general is destitute of almost every vegetable, except a few berry-bearing shrubs and lichens, and has a very barren aspect. The hills are composed of gneiss, but their acclivities are covered with a coarse gravelly soil. There are many large loose stones both on their summits and acchvities, composed of the same materials as the sohd rock. We crossed another lake in the evening, encamped, and set the nets. The chief made a large fire to announce our situation to the hunters. August 13.—We caught twenty fish this morning, but they were small, and furnisht d but a scanty breakfast for the party. Whilst this meal was preparing, our Canadian voyagers, who had been for some days past murmuring at their meagre diet, and striving to get the whole of our little provision to consume at once, broke out into open discontent, and several of them threatened they would not proceed forward unless more food was given to them. This conduct was the more unpardonable, as they saw we were rapidly approaching the fires of the hunters, and that provision might soon be expected. I, therefore, felt the duty incumbent on me to ad- dress them in the strongest manner on the danger of insubordination, and to assure them of my determination to inflict the heaviest pu- nishment on any that should persist in their refusal to go on, or in any other way attempt to retard the Expedition. I considered this decisive step necessary, having learned from the gentlemen, most intimatel

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Keywords: ., bookcentury1800, booksubjectscientificexpeditions, bookyear1823