. Dreer's wholesale price list of seeds, plants, bulbs, etc . UMLLARDT^ PICTA LORENZIANA Eschscholtzia (California Poppy). Tr. pkt. Oz. Callfornlca. Bright yellow 10 20 " Aurantlaca. Oranire 10 20 Canlculata Rosea. Britrht rosy-pink 15 40 Crimson King. Rich crimson 15 40 Cross of Malta. Yellow oranire blotch 10 20 Qolden West. Very large Kolden yellow 10 20 Mandarin. Orange and scarlet 10 20 Single. Mixed 10 15 Double. " 10 20 Euphorbia. Heterophylla 15 50 Varlegata 'Snow on the Mountain) 10 15 Ferns. We can furnish spores of the following splendid varieties at the uniforni price of

. Dreer's wholesale price list of seeds, plants, bulbs, etc . UMLLARDT^ PICTA LORENZIANA Eschscholtzia (California Poppy). Tr. pkt. Oz. Callfornlca. Bright yellow 10 20 " Aurantlaca. Oranire 10 20 Canlculata Rosea. Britrht rosy-pink 15 40 Crimson King. Rich crimson 15 40 Cross of Malta. Yellow oranire blotch 10 20 Qolden West. Very large Kolden yellow 10 20 Mandarin. Orange and scarlet 10 20 Single. Mixed 10 15 Double. " 10 20 Euphorbia. Heterophylla 15 50 Varlegata 'Snow on the Mountain) 10 15 Ferns. We can furnish spores of the following splendid varieties at the uniforni price of 50 cents per trade packet. Adlantum Cuneatum Pterls Adlantoldes Alsophlla Australls Alexandre Aspldlum Tsusslmense " Cretica Albo LIneata Cyrtomlum Falcatum " MagnlfIca Fortunel " Mayll Rochfordlanum " Ouvrardl Lastrea Chrysoloba " Serrulata Polypodlum Aureum Crlstata Polystlchum Coreaceum " Tremula " Setosum " Victorse " Wimsettl " Multlceps Qeneral Mixture. Made up of the best and most useful sorts. Price. Any of the above Fern Spores 50 cts. per trade packet. Gaillardia. Useful for cutting, or for the mixed border. Tr. pkt. Oz. Amblyodon. Deep blood red 10 10 SO PIcta. Crimson and orange 10 20 Single annual. Mixed 10 15 Lorenzlana. The Bride. Double creamy-white . 25 1 00 Lorenzlana. Double mixed 10 25 Gaura. LIndhelmerl. A useful plant to intersperse with low growing bedding plants 10 25 Geranium. Apple Scented. 25 cts. per 100; per 1000 seeds. Zonale. Single mixed 20 60 Globe Amaranth (Bachelor's Buttons). Tr. pkt. A useful Everlasting and used in bedding. Nana compacta. A dwarf red 10 Mixed. All colors 10 Or. 20 15 Gloxinia. Our supply of these are from world-renowned sources and can- not fail to give satisfactory results. Tr. pkt. Hybrlda Urandlflora, choicest mixed; all kinds ... 75 Gourds, Ornamental. Oz. African Pipe ... 15 Apple-shaped 15 Bottle-shaped 15 Calabash or Dipper . 15 White Egg 15 Hercules' Club ....

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Photo credit: © The Bookworm Collection / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookauthorhenryggi, bookcentury1900, bookdecade1910, bookyear1915