Shanxi province in China has been badly hit by drought brought on by climate change,leading to drying rivers and desertification

China is in the middle of the worst drought in 50 years Precipitation totals have fallen significantly across most of China s northern provinces 60 of China s 669 major cities face water shortages of these 110 face serious water shortages Climate change modelling shows that Northern China is going to get significantly drier leading to crop failure and desertification which is already happening in many places Rivers across China are suffering with many running at critically low levels Some of this is due to over extraction of water but increasingly is due to climate change This critically low river is in Shanxi province

Size: 5616px × 3744px
Photo credit: © Ashley Cooper / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: bed, change, china, climate, desertificatiion, desertification, dessication, destruction, disappeared, dried, drought, dry, dune, earth, environment, global, levels, river, sand, shortage, soil, spreading, warming, water