. Dreer's wholesale price list for florists . Bunny Ear Cactus Echeveria Secunda glauca. Flat rosettes with fleshv glaucous leaves. 2-inch pots $ per doz.: $ per 100. Weinberg! Thick-leaved rosettes with a rosy tint. This is known as "Dream Plant" to some amateur garden- ers. It has received considerable publicitv within the last year or two and should, therefore, be a good seller. 2-inch pots $ per doz.: $ per 100. Euphorbia Splendens (Crown of Thorns). An odd and interesting plant, the stems being covered with numerous spines about one inch long which together wit

. Dreer's wholesale price list for florists . Bunny Ear Cactus Echeveria Secunda glauca. Flat rosettes with fleshv glaucous leaves. 2-inch pots $ per doz.: $ per 100. Weinberg! Thick-leaved rosettes with a rosy tint. This is known as "Dream Plant" to some amateur garden- ers. It has received considerable publicitv within the last year or two and should, therefore, be a good seller. 2-inch pots $ per doz.: $ per 100. Euphorbia Splendens (Crown of Thorns). An odd and interesting plant, the stems being covered with numerous spines about one inch long which together with the bright red flower bracts that are produced at all seasons, make it a unique subject for the window garden. Per doz. Per 100 2- inch pots $2 50 $15 00 3- inch pots 4 50 35 00 4- inch pots 75c each Kleinia Bepeng. An interesting and very popular succulent plant with Ions: erlaucous ereen leaves. 2-inch pots $ per doz : $ per 100. Opuntia—Bunny Ear Cactus Microdasys. Thick heavy joints of elliptical form and covered with golden yellow bristles. A good house plant. Monocantha variegata. Has stems which are marbled cream and green. Either of the a' ove: 2-inch pots $ per doz., $ per 100. Portulacaria Afra. 2-inch pots $ per doz.; $ per 100. Sedum—Stonecrop Adolphi. 2-inch pots $ per doz.; $ per 100. Treleasi. Has small fleshy leaves resembling white beads. 2-inch pots $ per doz.; $ per 100. The Prices Quoted Are to the Trade Only. 21

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Keywords: ., bookauthorhenryggilbertnurseryandseedtradecata, bookcentury1900