. Cyclopedia of American horticulture, comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and biographical sketches. Gardening. 24 ADENOCAEPUS ADIANTUM the lower lip longer than the lateral ones, much exceed- ing the upper lip. Italy, Spain, Sicily. decfirtioans, Boiss. {A. Boissieri, Webb). Shrub or small tree, 15-25 ft.: branches tomentose : Ivs. crowded, persistent ; leaflets linear, pubescent : racemes short, compact : calyx villous

. Cyclopedia of American horticulture, comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and biographical sketches. Gardening. 24 ADENOCAEPUS ADIANTUM the lower lip longer than the lateral ones, much exceed- ing the upper lip. Italy, Spain, Sicily. decfirtioans, Boiss. {A. Boissieri, Webb). Shrub or small tree, 15-25 ft.: branches tomentose : Ivs. crowded, persistent ; leaflets linear, pubescent : racemes short, compact : calyx villous, segments nearly equal. Spain. 1883:150. II. 25: 725. Gn. 30: bles English Gorse, but is thornless. Bark peels natu- rally. Thrives in poor, sandy soil. A. anaoprtts, Spreng.^A. fraiLkenioides.—, Webb ^A. deeortieans.—A. coniplicdtus, Gay. (A. , DC.). Branches nearly glabrous : racemes elongated ; calyx glandu- lar. S. W. France, Spain. 1387, as Cytisus divaricatus.— , Guss. (A. Telonensis, DC). Branches viHous, pubescent: racemes loose ; calyx vinous. Spain, Orient.—A. di- varicdtus, Boiss.^^A. intermedius when held to include A. com- mutatus and complicatus.—A. foliolbsus, DC. Branches and Ivs. crowded, villous : racemes compact, many-flowered; calyx vil- lous. Canary Isl.—A. grandtflorus, Boiss. Branches and Ivs. glabrous : racemes few-flowered ; calyx pubescent. S. France, Spain.—A, JSispdnicus, DC. Branches velvety-pubescent: Ivs. tomentose beneath : racemes dense, many-flowered ; calyx glan- dular. Spain.—A. parvifblius, complicatus, Gay.—A. Telonensis, commutatus.—A. Telonensis, Nicholson= A. grandiflorus. Alfred Rehdeb. ADEN6FH0BA (gland-bearing; referring to the cy- lindrical nectary which surrounds the base of the style). Campanuldcece. A genus of hardy herbaceous peren- nials separated from Campanula only by minor charac- ters, as the trilocular ovary and cylindrical nect

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Keywords: ., bookauthor, bookcentury1900, bookdecade1900, booksubjectgardening