. Cyclopedia of American horticulture, comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and biographical sketches. Gardening. th 2 Chalced6nica, Linn JIALTE>^E t KObS TeRU «ALEM tEO'-S SfARLET Lir,HTS Fig l«l Peiennial 2-3 ft till, usually loose hiir\ the stems Simple or nearly so h s oblong or cor 1330. Flower of the Corn-cockle date-lanceolate, clasping (Lychnis Githago) in bud. (upper ones often nar- Natural size. row and taperi

. Cyclopedia of American horticulture, comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and biographical sketches. Gardening. th 2 Chalced6nica, Linn JIALTE>^E t KObS TeRU «ALEM tEO'-S SfARLET Lir,HTS Fig l«l Peiennial 2-3 ft till, usually loose hiir\ the stems Simple or nearly so h s oblong or cor 1330. Flower of the Corn-cockle date-lanceolate, clasping (Lychnis Githago) in bud. (upper ones often nar- Natural size. row and tapering), short- pointed, hairy: fls. 1 in. long, with narrow upward-enlarging ribbed calyx and spreading, obcordate-notched limb. June. — Probably Japanese, but long in cult., and one of the best of all old-fashioned flowers. The fls. are usually brick-red to scarlet, but there are varieties with rose- colored, flesh-colored and white blossoms; also with double fls. The arrangement of the petal-limbs sug- gests the Maltese cross, hence one of the common names. Rarely persists for a time as a weed. 3. fiilgens, Fischer (not Hort.). An erect-stemmed perennial, hairy: Ivs. ovate to ovate-oblong, roughish, tapering below but scarcely petioled: fls. few, in a rather dense terminal cluster, bright scarlet, each petal divided into two broad lobes, on the outer side of which are two other and very narrow lobes, the ends of the main lobes slightly toothed ; calyx oblong or ovate, 10-ribbed, with erect teeth. Siberia, China, Japan. 6:478. —Perhaps not in cultivation in this country. The plant that passes under this name is probably a form of Jj. coronata. From //. Chalcedonica it is distinguished by lower stature, much larger fls., and the well-marked side teeth or lobes on the petals. 4. alpina, Linn. Glabrous, tufted, a ft. or less tall: Ivs. mostly at the base, thickish, linear or oblong : fls. pink, with 2-lobed petals (segments linear), and short. BB. Fls.

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Keywords: ., bookauthor, bookcentury1900, bookdecade1900, booksubjectgardening