. Wild flowers of Canada [microform]. Wild flowers; Flowers; Botany; Fleurs sauvages; Fleurs; Botanique. CLer. =^ FI,ATE 21. CORN-COCKLE. AGROSTEMMA (LYCHNIS) GITHAGO. (PINK FAMILY.) Aritnal; stem tlout. errrt. i -ill /â tait, ttHglfd, (hannrlrd, hirsute; teaies opposite tvitk connate ht\es, ItHear-liimeeoljtf, acute, roug/i and Ad/i branches; calyx large, teith linear lobes exceeding the coiotta; petaisjite, crimson-purpte. Jloiieis solitary at the summit o/ the ' HERE are two flowers that grow with the grain in the .; fields of Europe and mingle their bright colors with the gladsome

. Wild flowers of Canada [microform]. Wild flowers; Flowers; Botany; Fleurs sauvages; Fleurs; Botanique. CLer. =^ FI,ATE 21. CORN-COCKLE. AGROSTEMMA (LYCHNIS) GITHAGO. (PINK FAMILY.) Aritnal; stem tlout. errrt. i -ill /â tait, ttHglfd, (hannrlrd, hirsute; teaies opposite tvitk connate ht\es, ItHear-liimeeoljtf, acute, roug/i and Ad/i branches; calyx large, teith linear lobes exceeding the coiotta; petaisjite, crimson-purpte. Jloiieis solitary at the summit o/ the ' HERE are two flowers that grow with the grain in the .; fields of Europe and mingle their bright colors with the gladsome yellow of niiennig wheat or barley. The rich scarlet ot the poppy makes of the fields sheets of living llanic. The crimson of the corn-cockles lends them a deeper but quite as pleasing hue. The less harmful poppy has come to America, but re'mains a foreigner. The , ."-worn foe of the farmer, has usuriK'd all the privileges of citizenship. A handsomer plant than this .-vune corn-cockle 'twould be hard to find on a summer day. The leaves are pale green with a tinge of blue, while the bloL^oms blend crimson and magenta into a most charming combination. Hut with all its beauty, the plant is a sore pest. Heing mixed with grain, it has an excellent opjwrtunity to spread over the whole ccmntryâan opixirtunity whereof it avails itself to the full. The seeds are black, and "hen mixed with wheat, mar in its the snowy purity for wliich the miller toils. It is well nigh impossible to oust the weed from a held of growing grain. The agrostemma is nearly related to lychnis, of which several s})ecies have long been cultivated iu our gardens. PLATE aa. 'â¢â --'^ CARDINAL FLOWER. LOBELIA CARDINALIS. (LOBELIA FAMILY.) Three or /our fee* high, item cieit, gromed. smooth or slightly pHbcsiynl: leafes alternate, oTale-lcinceolale, irregularIv and rather araritlv dentate, at nte at ettch tnd, on short fietib/es f /towers in a long, terminal ntceme ; corolla deep carmine

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Photo credit: © Library Book Collection / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1800, booksubjectbotany, booksubjectflowers, bookyear1