Irish Terrier Dog, Mother and Pup

adult, animal, animals, bitch, bitches, Color Image, Color Images, Colour Image, Colour Images, dog, dogs, domestic animal, domestic animals, domestic dog, domestic dogs, female, female and young, females, full-grown, high size, hunting dog, hunting dogs, Irish Terrier, Irish Terrier Dog, juvenile, juveniles, lie, lies, lying, mammal, mammals, mature, Mother and Pup, pedigree dog, pedigree dogs, pet, pets, puppies, puppy, purebred dog, purebred dogs, RM, studio shot, Terrier, Terriers, two, upright format, vertical, vertical format, young

Size: 3557px × 5149px
Photo credit: © Arco / G. Lacz / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: adult, animal, animals, bitch, bitches, color, colour, dog, dogs, domestic, female, females, format, full-grown, high, hunting, image, images, irish, juvenile, juveniles, lie, lies, lying, mammal, mammals, mature, mother, pedigree, pet, pets, pup, puppies, puppy, purebred, rm, shot, size, studio, terrier, terriers, upright, vertical, young