An illustrated flora of the An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian ed2illustratedflo02brit Year: 1913 SPURGE FAMILY. 453 ith crescent- Glands of the involucres without petal-like appendages, entirely naked, like horns. Stem topped by an umbel; stipules none; involucres in open cymes, each with 4 glands and entire or toothed lobes. 16. Tilhymalus. Stem not topped by an umbel; stipules'gland-like; involucres in cluste

An illustrated flora of the An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian ed2illustratedflo02brit Year: 1913 SPURGE FAMILY. 453 ith crescent- Glands of the involucres without petal-like appendages, entirely naked, like horns. Stem topped by an umbel; stipules none; involucres in open cymes, each with 4 glands and entire or toothed lobes. 16. Tilhymalus. Stem not topped by an umbel; stipules'gland-like; involucres in cluster-like cymes, each with a single gland or rarely 4 glands and fimbriate lobes. 17. I-'oinscllia. I. PHYLLANTHUS L. Sp. PI. 981. 1753. Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Stems wiry. Leaves alten^^te, entire, often numer- ous, and so arranged as to appear like the leaflets of a compound leaf. Flowers monoecious, apetalous, sessile or pedicelled, a staminate and a pistillate one together in the axils. Calyx mostly S-6-parted, the lobes imbricated. Stamens usually 3, the filaments more or less united, rarely separate. Ovary 3-celled; ovules 2 in each cavity; styles 3, each 2-cleft. Capsule globose, each carpel 2-seeded; endosperm of the seed fleshy. [Greek, leaf-flower.] More than 125 species, natives of the tropical and temperate zones of both hemispheres. Type species: Phyllanlhus Xiriiri L. Caro- 1788. 1805. I. Phyllanthus carolinensis Walt, lina Phyllanthus. Fig. 2711. Phyllanthus carolinensis Walt. Fl. Car. 228. Phyllanthus obovatus Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 574. Annual, dark grcef^ glabrous. Stem slender. erect, or ascending, 4-20' high, simple or branch- ed, the branches 2-ranked; leaves obovate, or oblong, 3'-lo' long, obtiise, narrowed to a very short petiole, or subsessile: flowers inconspicuous, nearly sessile in the axils; calyx 6-parted, its lobes linear, or oblong; .stamens 3; styles 3. each 2-cleft; glands of the pistillate flower more or less united; capsule about i' in d

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Keywords: archive, book, drawing, historical, history, illustration, image, page, picture, print, reference, vintage