Brooklime or European speedwell, Veronica beccabunga.

Brooklime or European speedwell, Veronica beccabunga. Handcoloured stipple copperplate engraving by Lambert Junior from a drawing by Pierre Jean-Francois Turpin from Chaumeton, Poiret et Chamberet's "La Flore Medicale," Paris, Panckoucke, 1830. Turpin (1775~1840) was one of the three giants of French botanical art of the era alongside Pierre Joseph Redoute and Pancrace Bessa.

Size: 4468px × 7121px
Photo credit: © Florilegius / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1830, art, beccabunga, botanical, brooklime, chamberet, chaumeton, copperplate, drawing, engraving, european, flore, handcoloured, herb, herbal, jean-francois, lambert, medicale, medicine, pierre, poiret, speedwell, stipple, turpin, vegetable, veronica