Louise Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun Self portrait in straw hat 1782. Most important French female artist painter of the 18th Century

Autoportrait au chapeau de paille, Self portrait in a straw hat -1782. Marie Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (16 April 1755 – 30 March 1842) Official portraitist of Marie Antoinette. Most important female painter of the 18th century. Painted first the royal courts of France and after the Revolution the elites and courts of Europe including Russia and England (Lady Hamilton; Lord Byron). This is either a copy of a smaller version she did earlier that year after seeing a Rubens painting in Antwerp or it could be seen as the definitive version. London National Gallery. The Rubens (portrait of his sister-in-law) is also in the National Gallery.

Size: 3661px × 5073px
Location: Louise Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun
Photo credit: © Akademie / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: -portrait, 1700s, 1782, 1800s, 18c, 18th, 19c, art, artist, artists, artwork, au, autoportrait, brun, brushes, century, chapeau, de, elisabeth, famous, female, french, hat, image, important, le, lebrun, louise, louise-Élisabeth, madame, marie, marie-louise-elisabeth, paille, paint, paintbrushes, painter, painters, painting, palette, photo, portrait, rococo, selfportrait, straw, successful, vigee, vigee-le, vigee-lebrun, vigé, vigé-le, vigé-lebrun, woman, women, Élisabeth, Élisabeth-louise