German French Belgian Armies, August 1914. First World War. 1933 old map

The Concentration of the Armies. August 1914 [Western Front]. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Map compiled by Major Archibald Frank Becke. Published by Ordnance Survey 1924. Provenance: "History of the Great War based on Official Documents by the Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Military Operations France and Belgium, 1914". Compiled by Brigadier-General Sir James E. Edmonds. Maps and Sketches compiled by Major A. F. Becke. Published by MacMillan and Co; Limited St. Martin's Street, London 1933. Third Edition. Type: Antique military history map.

Size: 2924px × 3543px
Location: Northern France & Belgium
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1914, 1924, 1933, 20th, antique, archibald, armies, august, becke, belgian, belgium, brigadier, century, committee, compiled, concentration, defence, direction, documents, edmonds, france, frank, french, front, general, german, great, historical, history, imperial, james, major, map, maps, military, northern, official, operations, ordnance, section, sir, sketches, survey, twentieth, vintage, war, western, world