CARIBBEAN: West Indies. Central America. Florida Texas Lousiana, 1830 old map

'West Indies'. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Alexr. Findlay. Provenance: "The Oxford Encyclopaedia; or Dictionary"; by the Rev. W. Harris; Stewart, ; C. Butler, Esq. and The Rev. Hinton, , Printed by Bartlett and Hinton, London. Type: Antique engraved map.

Size: 2829px × 2351px
Location: West Indies
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1830, 19th, alexr, america, antique, bartlett, butler, caribbean, central, century, dictionary, encyclopaedia, engraved, findlay, florida, harris, hinton, indies, london, lousiana, map, nineteenth, oxford, printed, rev, stewart, texas, vintage, west