America by Herman Moll. North & South America. Insular California 1709 old map

America. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Herman Moll. Provenance: "The Compleat Geographer: or, the Chorography and Topography of all the known parts of the Earth", by Herman Moll. Third edition. Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill at the Black Swan in Paternoster Row and Timothy Childe at the White Hart at the West End of St. Paul's Churchyard. Type: Antique copperplate map. A fascinating map, including incomplete and wildly inaccurate representations of the coastlines of New Zealand and the "Land of Iesso" (Hokkaido) - the latter extending nearly to the North American coast. California is shown as an island. The Strait of Annian, implying a passage to the Atlantic, is marked on the north west coast of North America.

Size: 2359px × 3357px
Location: Americas
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1709, 18th, america, americas, antique, awnsham, black, california, century, childe, chorography, churchill, churchyard, coastlines, compleat, copperplate, earth, edition, eighteenth, fascinating, geographer, hart, herman, inaccurate, incomplete, insular, john, map, moll, north, parts, paternoster, paul, printed, representations, row, south, st, swan, timothy, topography, vintage, west, white, wildly